Saturday, July 30, 2011

Planned Parenthood Clinic Firebombed In Texas

Did you hear about this? Me neither: Planned Parenthood Clinic Firebombed, Right Wing Silent

Photo: Source

I really don't care what wing your on, this kind of domestic terrorism is inexcusable. To repeat from the article, the clinic does NOT provide abortion services.

Echoes of George Tiller ring in my head. Disagreeing with a practice is fine, but it's my body and my uterus. There is no true freedom in a country when a woman does not have the right to control her own reproductive organs. I would never inflict on another woman the kind of pain one has to deal with when faced with a pregnancy that cannot be ended; and I would never inflict on a child the pain of being raised in such a situation. Adoption is of course an answer, but realistically, there are people who recognize that they are not strong enough to see their child carried to term and then handed off to a more capable set of parents. I'm not.

Further, how many anti-abortionists do you see rushing to adopt those children? How many anti-abortionists have directly saved a life by adopting the child of a woman who previously considered abortion? (This is assuming the woman was not coerced of course, since that can have just as much trauma as any other situation.)

Abortion prevents crime, by preventing the birth of children into poverty (see Freakonomics). Preventing crime and poverty should be at the top of any politician's list, especially if they are seeking re-election. To hear silence on this from all sides, even in light of the manufactured debt crisis, is to silently consent to this sort of domestic terrorism. Unless you're Muslim, feel free to destroy our country's businesses and social services branches, especially if they are controversial.

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