Okay, first off, if the error is still there, I'm assuming the 70% they refer to who prefer sex over video games are meant to refer to either women (as in older women) or they typoed when they meant men.
Secondly, the headline is ridiculous. The idea of sex isn't a turn-off to most women, period, and if you ask, most of the time the turn-off has to do with something ABOUT sex, not the idea of a passionate sexual encounter resulting in orgasm. In my experience, women who are turned-off by the idea usually refer to something like the grossness of it, or the concern of where "that" has been, or the woman is stressed out and overwhelmed by other things, that sex becomes simply one more thing on her already long list of things to do. This article describes the connection between anxiety, stress, and a women's ability to get aroused. If thinking about sex with you stresses her out, of course she's not going to get turned-on.
Most girl gamers I know (including myself) have sex drives equal to or surpassing the average male's. The words I hear coming out of my male friends' mouths with regard to their girlfriends are the same words I hear coming out my female gamer friends' mouths with regard to their boyfriends. "She never wants it enough." "He never initiates."
This poll doesn't reflect that girl gamers are dis-interested in sex. This poll reflects the inability of sexual partners to provide sufficient satisfaction, not just from a sexual standpoint, but also from the relationship view.
It's well known women have issues getting aroused when there is tension in the relationship. For men, sex is method TO relax. Women need to be relaxed in order to want sex. Focus on making your woman as relaxed as possible, and she'll put down the controller to show you a good time.
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