Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Activision Supports Animal Cruelty?

My final rant of the day.

Oh. If you're under 18, you probably shouldn't be reading this blog anyway, but you should definitely check with your parent before clicking this link. I'm just trying to CMA here.

The evidence: http://www.g4tv.com/games/xbox-360/64956/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3/articles/74738/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-3-specs-ops-hands-on-preview/

You know that Sarah McLaughlan commercial? The SPCA one, where she's singing angel, and you see picture after picture of sad looking animals, and all of a sudden you find yourself blubbering, looking for the tissues, and feeling like an inhuman monster even though you're never even squashed a spider? In case you'd forgotten:

Feel like crap now? Good.

Now imagine you're a game developer. And you really hate dogs. So what to do? Take those wonderful, loving, sweet creatures, strap C4 to their backs, and blow 'em up.

Oh hell no!

Nope. Not buying it. Not buying it, nor anything made by any of the development/parent/whatever the hell you want to call them companies.

No. Not ever. NEVER.

While the gaming development community loves to pretend that their games are played by age-appropriate audiences, let's be honest: we all know a little 4-year-old Suzie who loves to knife and consistently makes sure she knifes you at precisely the wrong time. So now little Suzie gets to see a bigger version of Fluffy blow up.

Way to stay classy. I hope you all go to that special hell, the one reserved for child molesters, and people who talk in movie theatres.

I've reviewed Activision's list of games (see here on Wikipedia): I'm considering boycotting the entire company. We'll see.

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