Even though I'm not even thirty, I still sometimes worry about my blood pressure.
Today is just such a day. You can't get much clearer evidence of hypocrisy than this:
Rick Santorum. A man so vile that the gay community felt compelled to name a certain sexual. . . shall we say substance?. . . after him. A man who has heartlessly argued again and again that abortion is wrong under all circumstances. . .
Unless his own wife's life is at stake. Then it's okay. Even if you have to authorize a "horrific" so-called partial-birth abortion.
How can you get much clearer? America, where are your women? Where is the outrage? What the hell? How many more times must the GOP tell you that they don't care about you before you begin to believe them? If you are poor, the GOP thinks you didn't work hard enough. If you are a woman, the GOP thinks your role is barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen. If you are black, then you should be out in the fields picking cotton or playing football. If you're Latino, back to the strawberry fields. And if you're Native American. You get the worst of it all: you get forgotten.
Here are some stories from abortion clinic workers and others about women who were clearly anti-abortion, yet were getting abortions: http://mypage.direct.ca/w/writer/anti-tales.html
Protect our own. Loyalty at any cost. When will Americans stop being loyal to a party that has proven regularly, nearly constantly, that they have no care for the common person?
When I can come up with a reasonable alternative to suggest to you, I will. Until then, who knows? Maybe I'll run for office.
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