Friday, August 5, 2011

Wisconsin GOP Up For Recall: Wait Until 2012 Election

Wisconsin Republicans are beginning to reap what they've sown: Wisconsin GOPer: If you don't like what we did, wait for 2012 instead of recalling me

More evidence of the Republicans' fear of the consequences of Governor Walker's crusade against unions, and then subsequent (and illegal?) tactics on behalf of various parties to make the voting process biased against the liberal voters who could possible recall the representatives.


Now, State senator Alberta Darling is calling for people to respect the election process and wait until 2012 to vote her out. Sorry, Senator Darling, but the recall process is part of the election process which you signed up for when you ran for office; the fact that you decided to put party politics above having the ovaries to do the right thing does not absolve you of the consequences. You should not be saved the accountability of your actions simply because you were following party line.

The Republicans have consistently put business above voters, personal wealth above social welfare, and the interests of their own power-hungry corporate backers above those of the men and women working the bottom rungs of those same corporations. Enjoy your medicine. I hope you come back a stronger party that is better able to lead this country to a more prosperous time.

Until then, quit whining when people have the gumption to stand up for themselves. They are doing the very thing that defines U.S. patriotism - protecting the poor from the tyranny of the wealthy.

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