Monday, August 1, 2011

Birth Control With No Co-Pay

Another success for women! Insurers Must Cover Birth Control Without Co-Pays


In reality, this isn't just a boon for women, it's a boon for everybody. By allowing women to control their bodies, they can better choose for themselves when they are able to have and raise children, allowing them to prevent the single biggest predictor for bankruptcy in the U.S.: having children (see "The Two-Income Trap" - Elizabeth Warren and Amelia Warren Tyagi - I think I've mentioned them from before).

While this falls short of actually helping families who already have or want children, this at least gives women some of the respect and dignity they deserve with regard to their own reproductive organs.

Also included:
Breast pumps for nursing mothers, an annual "well woman" physical, counseling on how to avoid sexually transmitted diseases and other services will also be covered at no cost to the patient.

Fabulous. The legislation even includes religious provisions to satisfy the rabid critics who cry "B-b-b-b-but my God doesn't allow contraception!" Your God also provides for the complete forgiving of ALL debts every seven years (look up Jubilee year) and the proper care for widows and orphans, but I don't see mainstream Christian groups crying in outrage in support of these God's laws.

While I may not be a fan of Washington in general, I have to give Mr. Obama credit for managing to push some very progressive legislation through, from the repeal of DADT to this. His legacy may be murky due to the economic issues, but I think history will judge him a friend to social issues.

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